Course & Training

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Special Price: EU Projects Grants Preparation Package - Erasmus+ Horizon Europe Project Writing
Dear Participant, Join our consortium on EU Funds and Grants Applications we are preparing for Se..
14,760 MKD
A1 Start Erasmus+ Project Writing
Летната академија "Summer Academy 2022" во организација на Емкице КИЦ во соработка со своите ЕУ парт..
25,000 MKD
2023 Erasmus+ 3 day Training Project Writing
"Winter Academy 2022-2023" organized by Emkice KIC in cooperation with its EU partners is a program ..
28,000 MKD
EU Projects Grants Preparation Package - Erasmus+ Horizon Europe Project Writing
Dear Participant, Join our consortium on EU Funds and Grants Applications we are preparing for Se..
24,600 MKD
Подготовка на апликација за Фондот за Иновации на РМ
-Нациоанлни фондови (подготовка на апликација за Фондот за Иновации на РМ)   Дополнител..
19,500 MKD
10 дена Академија за Индустриски Дизајн и Развој на Производи
Практична тренинг обука за *Индустриски Дизајн и *Развој на Производи Topics of the Training Ac..
48,000 MKD
7 дена Академија за Индустриски Дизајн и Развој на Производи
Практична тренинг обука за *Индустриски Дизајн и *Развој на Производи Topics of the Training Ac..
39,500 MKD
5 дневна Подготовка за ЕУ грант
Летната академија "Summer Academy 2022" во организација на Емкице КИЦ во соработка со своите ЕУ парт..
44,000 MKD
Testing for the manager of EU funds - Modul4
- EU Funding Manager Certificate (L3, L2, L1) Testing for knowledge of the preparation and manageme..
2,800 MKD
H2020&COSME Master class - Modul3
HorizonEurope & Erasmus Master class 2 days - Intensive training for practical application prep..
12,300 MKD
EU Funding Training - Modul2
How to write a winning proposal 1 day - Intensive training for practical application preparation +..
6,900 MKD
Training for EU Funds - Modul 1
H2020 in a nutshell - 1 day - Intensive training training for practical preparation for EU grants +..
3,600 MKD

За нас

Emkice KIC as private company working with Start Ups and SME's on smart specialization with specific skills, vocational education and training (VET) coaching and training providing platform to private sector. We also work with entrepreneurs and startups with support for job creation, economic growth, business competitiveness, and sustainable development. To become competitive, innovative and productive for the international market EMKICE over the years got specialized for the objectives:

1st) innovation and commercialization of innovations, the development of new products, through innovative technology and services;

2nd) Support for access to finance to innovation, research, technology development (I + R + T + D);

3rd) International and transnational cooperation, smart specialization, sharing of knowledge, VET and learning new skills, education for creative thinking, problem solving, and entrepreneurial spirit especially among youth in digitization and e-learning platforms, therefore we established Emkice KIC - Research and Development Center for Innovations, from 2022.

Areas: #CircularEconomy #ClimateChange #NextGenerationEU, #EuropeanGreenDeal, #EuropeanDigitalDecade, Health, Agri-food, Circular Economy and Bio-Economy, Industry and Technology, Climate, Natural resources, Waste, Resources and Environment, Energy, Mobility, Digitization and Social challenges



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